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General Policies


To make the library a pleasant and safe environment for everyone, please abide by the following:


  • Please turn off cell phones or set to vibrate while in the library. If you must receive or make a call, please do so outside of the building.

  • Shoes, shirts (and pants) are required when visiting the library.

  • No food or drinks are allowed inside the library.


The Sumter County Library welcomes families and our young patrons. However, for safety reasons, children must be older than 12 to be dropped off at the library without adult supervision. Children 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

General Policies
Library Cards

Library Cards


Patrons must be prepared to present a valid library card in their own name when checking out materials or using public access computers.


An initial card is free to all Sumter, Clarendon, Lee, and Kershaw County residents. All other SC residents may obtain a card for a $20.00 annual fee.


Applicants must provide proof of residency: drivers license, utility bill, imprinted check, or automobile registration.


If proof of residence documents are not available, proof of residence may be established by mailing the Library card to the local address provided.


If lost or damaged, replacement cards are $1.00 for the first replacement and $5.00 for each subsequent. You must notify the library immediately if your card is lost or stolen.

The library card is valid at all library locations and may also be used to borrow materials at Central Carolina Technical College and all Palmetto Library Consortium libraries: Marlboro, Darlington, Georgetown, Marion and Dillon Counties.


Children are encouraged to have their own library cards, but children under the age of 16 must have a parent or legal guardian sign the application. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for materials checked out to the minor’s card. Proof of legal guardianship must be provided.


Library eCards are also available for instant access to our online and virtual resources. To learn more about eCards and how to obtain one, Click Here!

Account Access

Account Access 


Patrons may access their library account from our website by clicking on the My Account button in the side bar of any page on the Website. Log In with your library card number and a Personal Identification Number (PIN). Use your account access to check on your status, reserve an item, renew checked out books and other materials, or review your reading history.


To obtain a PIN, you must come to the Circulation Desk at any location. No PINs will be given over the phone or by email. You may change your PIN at any time by logging into your account and selecting Change Password. If you forget your PIN, it can be reset at any of the branches of the library after showing proper identification.

Computer Use Policy

Computer Use Policy 


To fulfill its mission to enrich and sustain the lives of the people of Sumter County by providing library services that meet informational, recreational, and lifelong learning needs, the Sumter County Library System provides access to an extensive range of resources including those available through the Internet. The Library has established this policy to ensure responsible and appropriate use of public access computers within its facilities.


The Internet, as an information resource, enables the Library to provide information beyond the confines of its own collection. It allows access to ideas, information, and commentary from around the globe. Currently, however, it is an unregulated medium. As such, it offers access to a wealth of materials that are personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages, but at the same time, it also enables access to material that may be inaccurate, controversial, personally offensive to the viewer, illegal, or inappropriate for children.


Individual users must exercise judgment in evaluating the validity and appropriateness of information retrieved via the Internet and must assume personal responsibility for its use. The Library cannot be held liable for the content of any Internet site.


The Internet also has valuable informational resources for children and youth, who are also expected to abide by this policy. The Library affirms the responsibility of parents/guardians to determine the appropriateness of all library resources for their children.


Parents are strongly encouraged to supervise their children’s library use, as Library staff cannot assume this responsibility. Specific conditions for the use of computers by children are outlined below.  To comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), all publicly accessible Internet terminals are filtered.


Library staff will assist computer users as time permits and staff are available. Time will be given to all Library patrons as equitably as possible, but no guarantees are made as to the availability of assistance.


Because the Library is a public place, Library staff has the authority to end an Internet session as determined necessary. By signature of a Limitation of Liability Form (Available from Library Staff), all users must agree to and abide by the terms of this Computer Use Policy and Computer Use Rules and Procedures. A parent, guardian, or legal caregiver is responsible for the access of children under the age of 18. Children 12 years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult who is 18 years of age or older and who has agreed to the terms of this Policy and who remains with the child while using the computer.


The Library reserves the right to limit, refuse, and/or ban any patron from using library equipment and computers.


Patrons wishing to use library computers must present either a valid Sumter County Library Card in good standing or a non-resident library card in good standing. Library cards in good standing are defined as cards for which no fines exceed $10.00, for which fines under $10.00 are less than 90 days old, and for which there are no other blocks limiting library use.


Guest passes are available to out-of-county residents who wish only to use library computers and do not wish borrowing privileges. Active duty military that do not have a Sumter County Library Card may use the computers by showing their Military I.D. Card. Guest passes are good for a period of thirty (30) days. They may be renewed once for an additional thirty (30) days. After that, a Library Card must be obtained for further computer use.


Only one patron may use a workstation at a time. If two people need to work on a joint project, they may do so but only with permission of Library staff. Other exceptions include a parent/guardian accompanied by a child or those who require special assistance.


Patrons will be required to use headsets when using applications with sound effects. Patrons may bring their own headphones or purchase a set if available. Headphones are available free for use only for children aged 12 and under using the computers designated solely for children’s use.

The Library does not provide individual e-mail accounts; however, users may send or receive e-mail using the Library’s workstations.


Internet transactions involving the use of credit cards are conducted strictly at the risk of the customer.


Use of the library’s wireless network is entirely at the risk of the user. The library disclaims all liability for loss of confidential information or damages resulting from that loss.


To ensure fair and equal access to all patrons, computer use may be limited to 30-minute increments and a two hour per day maximum.


Patrons may use flash drives for storage of personal files.


Be sure to verify print jobs before requesting they be sent to the printer. All print jobs will be charged at the current rate per page. Mistakes by the patrons are still charged to them to recover the costs for paper and ink.


Computers are available on a “first-come, first served” basis. Reservations will not be taken in advance. Users should check in at the appropriate station.


There is a charge of 15 cents per page for all materials printed whether intentional or not. Preview your print job before submitting.


Library staff may be able to offer limited technical assistance, but cannot address or resolve every issue connected with the use of computers or the internet.


Technical problems outside the control of library staff may result in the suspension of service. Users should periodically save any work. The Library is not responsible for any work lost during the use of computer workstations.


Computer users may NOT:


  • Damage or attempt to damage equipment.

  • Alter or attempt to alter software configurations, install software or place any files on the computers.

  • Attempt to bypass web filtering technology or instruct another person how to do so.

  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to or cause disruption of the library’s computer system or any other computer system.

  • Violate copyright laws or software licensing agreements.

  • Bookmark specific sites with Library equipment.

  • Display or send obscene (as defined by South Carolina Code of Laws 16-15-305) images, messages, or files.

  • Violate local, state, or federal laws or regulations.

  • Engage in any activity which is deliberately and maliciously harassing, threatening, and discriminatory on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, or age, offensive, libelous, or slanderous.

  • Engage in any activity that is disruptive to other library users.

  • Engage in any form of harassment over the Internet, commonly referred to as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to the following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidating, or threatening another person by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or Website postings, including blogs.


Internet use will be managed in a manner consistent with the library’s Code of Conduct. Violations of this policy may result in loss of Internet access, computer access, and/or other library privileges, up to and including no trespass orders issued by local law enforcement. Unlawful acts are subject to prosecution by local, state, and federal authorities.

Social Media Policy 


In keeping with the Sumter County Library’s mission to “enhance the cultural, recreational, and educational needs of the community it services,” the library participates in various social media whereby library staff and community members can interact via the Internet. These resources allow members of the community access to the resources of the library.


The library regards online materials and applications in the same way as its other information resources in accordance with its mission of serving patron needs for informational, educational, cultural and recreational pursuits.


Social media is narrowly defined as any website or application which allows users to share and exchange information. Social media can include but is not limited to blogs, instant messaging applications, social networking sites, and wikis. Specific examples of such media are Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and blogging sites such as Blogger and WordPress.


Social media sites and applications typically allow users to associate their online presences with the library’s online presence. Conversation and information can then be exchanged between associated entities. As with more traditional resources, the library does not act in place of or in the absence of a parent and is not responsible for enforcing any restrictions which a parent or guardian may place on a minor’s use of these resources.


The library does not collect, maintain or otherwise use the personal information stored on any third party site in any way other than to communicate with users on that site unless granted permission by users for library contact outside the site. The purpose of contact outside the site may include program promotion, volunteer opportunities, reference help, or other similar activities. Users may remove themselves at any time from any social media relationship with the library or may request that the library remove them. Users should be aware that third-party websites have their own privacy policies and should proceed accordingly.

Appropriate comments, posts, and messages are welcome on the Sumter County Library social media sites. While the library recognizes and respects differences of opinion, all such interactions will be monitored and reviewed for content and relevancy (before publishing when possible).


Any communication which contains any of the following content will be removed and the presenter will be denied further access:


  • Obscene or racist comments

  • Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language

  • Potentially libelous statements

  • Plagiarized or copyright protected material

  • Private or personal information published without consent

  • Comments totally unrelated to the content of the forum

  • Hyperlinks to material that is not directly related to the discussion or which are inappropriate

  • Commercial promotions or spam

  • Organized political activity

  • Photos or other images that fall in any of the above categories


The library reserves the right to edit or modify any postings or comments for space or content while retaining the intent of the original post.


The library shall also be granted the right to reproduce comments, posts, and messages in other public venues. For example, a response may be quoted in a newspaper or on the library website. Identifying information, other than first name or initials, will be removed unless prior approval is granted by the user.

The library assumes no liability for any communication that occurs on social media forum and does not endorse or review content outside the profiles created by the Sumter County Library staff.


Participation in any library social media implies agreement with all library policies, including this Social Media Policy, the Computer Use Policy, and the Terms of Service of individual third-party services. Refusal of any of these policies should be indicated by refusal to use the social media in question.


The role and utility of social media will be evaluated periodically by library staff and may be terminated at any time without notice to subscribers.

Social Media Policy

Library Materials Policy 


Check Outs


All materials at the Sumter County Library may be checked out for a two week period with the exception of non-circulating reference materials and newly released DVDs, which may be checked out for one week.

Materials that are not on reserve for other patrons may be renewed by phone, online, or in person at any library location for an additional 14 days, except for DVDs, which may not be renewed.


No materials may be renewed more than twice.


Adult patrons may borrow up to 15 items total at each checkout – books, tapes, CDs, etc.


Children may check out up to 10 items at a time – but patrons must be at least 18 to check out DVDs or CDs.

No more than 3 DVDs may be checked out at one time.


No more than 25 items may be checked out to a card-holder account at one time.




Outside book returns are conveniently placed at all locations.


Only Sumter County Library books should be placed in the outside book returns. Donations, DVDs, magazines, audiobooks, CDs and inter-library loans must be returned inside the library.


Items returned through the book drops are subject to the same fines as materials returned inside each library.

Materials may be returned at any Sumter County Library location, regardless of where they were checked out.

Overdue materials, with the exception of DVDs, are subject to fines at the rate of 15¢ per day per item from the due date. DVDs are subject to fines at the rate of $1.00 per day. A maximum fine of $5.00 is charged for returned overdue items with the exception of periodicals and paperbacks for which a maximum of $1.00 is charged and newly released DVDs a maximum of $20.00 is charged.


No cardholder with overdue fines either: (a) in excess of $10.00 or (b) over 90 days old will be allowed to check out materials until their account is cleared.




If there is an item you would like to borrow that is currently checked out to another patron, you may place a reserve on that title and you will be notified when it becomes available.


Reserves may be made in person, on the phone, or by logging in to your account.

Often new books will have an extended waiting list.


If the Library does not own an item you desire, you may complete a Purchase Request Form. Please wait until notified by Library staff of availability before attempting to pick up reserved items.


Inter-Library Loan


No library can own or contain every item published. Through Inter-Library Loan, however, the Library can attempt to borrow circulating materials from other libraries. While not all materials requested are obtainable, ILL helps make more materials available to library patrons.


Any patron wishing to borrow materials through ILL must have a library card issued from one of the Palmetto Library Consortium Libraries.


Although a patron may use his/her library card to borrow material from any library in the consortium, all ILL requests should be made from the patron’s county (home) library system.


ILL materials may be requested, picked up and returned at any library location. You must stay within the time-frame specified by the lending library.


Inter-library loan is available to cardholders in good standing. The Sumter County Library does not charge a fee for ILL, but any fines and/or fees charged by the lending library are charged to the cardholder.

ILL materials should be returned inside any library location. A fee of $0.50 will be charged for ILL materials returned in the book drop.


Items borrowed through ILL must be returned to the owning library on time and in good condition.

Items can only be renewed after verification that the item has no holds at the lending library and renewals should reflect the owning library’s renewal limit policy.


NOTE: Items must have been owned by the lending library for three months before they can be requested through inter-library loan.


Items which may NOT be loaned are:


  • Items with a status of Cataloging.

  • Items that have a high rate of being lost, items that the branch deems rare or books/documents deemed not able to survive the transfer process will not be sent.

  • Any book with a standing hold list for the owning county will not be sent immediately. The ILLrequest will be moved to the bottom of the list and sent after the home county patrons are satisfied.

Libray Materials Policy

Meeting Room Policy 


Meeting rooms may be reserved by on a first-come, first served basis.  First priority for Meeting Room spaces is reserved for Library or Library Sponsored programs.


The following spaces are available:


  • Main Meeting Room Downtown Library

  • Fleming Room Downtown Library

  • Wesmark Branch Library Meeting Room


Who can reserve a room?


  • Community groups with a cultural, educational or civic emphasis under non-profit sponsorship.

  • Governmental agencies, municipal and state.

  • For-profit organizations for purposes that align with the Library’s mission.


Unfortunately, we cannot allow the following groups to reserve a room:


  • Non-library related groups soliciting, selling, charging admission or asking for donations.

  • Social gatherings or activities, unless sponsored by the Library.

  • Rallies or campaigns for specific partisan political issues or candidates.

  • Activities likely to disturb regular library function.

  • Performing art groups, unless sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library.




Meeting room reservations may be made in person or by phone. The person reserving the room must be at least 18 years of age.


Completion of a Meeting Room Reservation Form is required to confirm any booking request.


No standing reservations may be made.  One reservation at a time may be made for each organization. A date for the next meeting may be reserved only after the first meeting has been held. Meeting rooms may not be booked more than two months in advance.


The Library reserves the right to reject any application. Rooms will not be available for groups or individuals who have demonstrated a history of unreliability in meeting Library requirements. Users shall conform to all laws, ordinances, regulations and Library rules.


Non-library groups may reserve meeting rooms no more than once a month in a 12 month period, or not more than once a week for a six week duration. Exceptions may be made if demand allows. Rooms are not available for groups prior to their reserved time.




The Library requests at least 24 hours’ notice of a meeting cancellation, except in the case of inclement weather. In an unforeseen circumstance in which the Library has to cancel a meeting, the Library will attempt to give the group as much notice as possible.




A fee of $50 is charged for groups wishing to serve refreshments. Refreshments may only be served in the Main Meeting Room Downtown or Wesmark Branch Library Meeting Room. Absolutely no food or drink is allowed in the Fleming Room.


Care & Use of Meeting Rooms


All meeting rooms must be left in a clean and orderly condition. Failure to do so may affect future bookings.


Groups must assume all responsibility for damage to Library facilities and equipment. A minimum fee of $50 will be assessed if the room is not left in a clean and orderly condition, and the group or individual(s) reserving the room will be responsible for paying for any actual damage caused to rooms or equipment.




In accordance with the Code of Conduct, children may not be left unattended in the Library while parents or guardians attend meetings.


Permission to meet in the Library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of a group’s policy or beliefs.


Neither the name nor the address of the Sumter County Library may be used as the official address of headquarters for any organization.


Groups may not state nor imply that the Library is sponsoring their meeting. Publicity announcing meetings should in no way imply Library sponsorship.


No tape or adhesive of any kind may be used on the walls or furniture.


All meetings must be held during regular Library hours. Meetings must end and meeting rooms must be empty fifteen minutes before closing.


The group’s responsibility for the room shall be terminated only when they have informed a staff member that they have vacated the room and that it is ready to be secured.


The Library is not responsible for items left in its facilities. Storage space is not available, nor can the Library provide porter service into its facilities.


Furniture and tables may be available for meetings. The Library may assist, but not guarantee, in setting up meeting rooms, providing a Library staff member is available.


The Library will attempt, but not guarantee, to troubleshoot any technical issues with Library equipment providing a Library staff member is available.


Groups are expected to comply with all Library rules, policies, and the Code of Conduct.

Meeting Room Policy 

Book Donations


The Sumter County Library board and staff members are very grateful for the generous donations of materials by community members. Books can be donated at the Main Library and the Wesmark Branch. However, due to space limitations, we must restrict the types of donations the library can accept.


The library welcomes donations of:


  • Newer hardback and paperback books in good condition

  • Literary classics of any age in good condition

  • DVDs

  • CDs (Musical or Audiobook)


Due to lack of space, the library cannot accept:


  • Encyclopedias

  • Textbooks

  • Outdated, torn, yellowed, or damaged books

  • Magazines or newspapers

  • VHS

  • Cassette tapes – musical or audiobook

  • LP Records


Please ask a staff member for a more details  if you have questions. Thank you for your generosity and understanding.

Book Donations

©2024 by Sumter County Library System

Proudly Created by Sword Lily Marketing 

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